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    HOMAG Group AG

    Homagstrasse 3-5


    +49 7443 13-0

    From a single source – plastics processing with HOLZMA and the HOMAG Group Storing, retrieving, cutting, trimming and polishing: it is a long road from the unprocessed panel to the finished product, with many processing stations on the way. This road can only be mastered efficiently with a production system that guarantees seamless processes – such as complete solu- tions from the HOMAG Group. No matter whether your work involves the processing of plastics, aluminium or wood-based materials: What counts is experience, not experiments. Here the HOMAG Group provides you with a harmonized system comprising machine technology, software and services. This can be achieved very efficiently because the HOMAG Group offers modular solutions from small to large, with machines which can easily be interlinked and networked. The result is perfection from a single source – for a new level of quality in plastics processing.

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